Keep St. Tammany Beautiful: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day

St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper announced the 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 8 a.m. to Noon. The event will take place in the Koop Drive parking lots at 21454 Koop Drive, Mandeville, LA. This event is for residential waste only. More info can be found ...

Keep Eunice Beautiful at the Community Garden Christmas Festival

Keep Eunice Beautiful and the Eunice Bulb and Blossom Club will have a booth at the Community Garden Christmas Festival with a recycling/beautification project for kids. Using a plastic milk carton, kids will plant herbs and vegetables to take home. They will have colorful stick-ons to decorate their milk carton. This is a free festival ...

Keep Bossier Beautiful & Shreveport Green: Litter Prosecution Informational Meeting

In partnership with Shreveport Green, Keep Bossier Beautiful will host Rick Moore, State Litter Enforcement Director with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, on January 11 at 1 p.m. Rick will present on litter enforcement and prosecution. A new coalition has been formed to improve litter prosecution in the region. To attend, come to the ...

Watson Community Cleanup

The Watson Community Cleanup will take place on January 14 from 8 a.m. - 1 pm. This event is open to the public. Meet at Elite Power Sports to volunteer. Contact [email protected] for information.

Keep Abbeville Beautiful: Louisiana Arbor Day Event

At the Vermilion Parish Library-Abbeville Branch, a few members of the Abbeville Garden Club and Keep Abbeville Beautiful will donate two books to the Library in honor of Louisiana Arbor Day. One of the books is titled "Now is the Time for Trees" by Dan Lambe. An Arbor Day Proclamation signed by the Mayor will ...

Keep Eunice Beautiful and Bulb & Blossom Club: Arbor Day Program

In memory of Keep Eunice Beautiful Board President and new Bulb & Blossom Club member, Andrea West, a native tree will be planted at the Eunice Fairgrounds Park. Her family, the mayor, and City Council members, as well as KEB and Bulb & Blossom members, are invited, along with the public. The tree is being ...

Keep St. James Beautiful: Louisiana Arbor Day Event

KSJB, in partnership with St. James High School and the community will plant 28 oak trees and eight magnolia trees at the high school to honor graduating classes of the past and to build a link between the old and new campuses of the high school. KOCH has supplied a grant and some past graduating ...

Keep Baker Beautiful: City-Wide Cleanup

Participate in Councilman Vincent's Friendly Neighbor Keeper Initiative, a city-wide clean-up. All people and businesses in the City of Baker are invited to participate by picking up litter around their properties and their immediate neighbor's properties. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

Keep Bossier Beautiful: Louisiana Arbor Day Planting

Keep Bossier Beautiful's annual Arbor Day planting event will be held Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 9:30 a.m.- noon. KBB volunteers will be planting 50, 15-gallon trees along Arthur Ray Teague Parkway in partnership with Bossier Parish Police Jury. KBB is looking for 8 teams with 5-6 members each to help plant trees. Bring your ...