Each year, Keep Louisiana Beautiful collects and publishes data from our programs, Affiliate organizations, and grant recipients. This data reporting reflects the efforts of thousands of people committed to cleaning up Louisiana.
Volunteers: 32,584
Volunteer Hours: 207,846
Value of Volunteer Workforce: $5.84 mil
Students Receiving Environmental Education: 11,267
Schools and Universities Engaged: 244
Teachers Receiving Environmental Education Training: 186
Waterway and Roadway Litter Cleanups: 2,415
Litter Removed from Waterways and Roadways: 2,415 tons
Recyclables Collected: 1,624 tons
Cigarette Butts Removed: 74,843
Hazardous Waste Diverted from Landfill: 429 tons
Trees Planted: 9,084
Gardens Maintained or Planted: 17,467
Partnerships with Businesses, Organizations, Churches, Schools, and Groups: 2,684
» Reach
Volunteers: 36,120
Volunteer Hours: 207,846
Volunteer Value: $5.84 mil
Hours of Training Provided: 75
Individual Trained: 1,209
Training Events: 27
» Engagement
Parishes: 64
Schools and Universities: 244
Businesses/Churches/Civic Groups/Governments/Organizations : 2,376
» Education
Students Engaged in Litter and Recycling Education: 11,267
Schools Participating: 100
Teacher Workshops: 3
Teachers Trained: 186
Individuals Trained: 1,209
Number of Trainings: 27
Hours of Training Provided: 75
Environmental Lesson Manual Distributed: 3,277
Litter Free Louisiana Activity Books Distributed: 5,076
Greener Grounds Event Manuals and Workbooks Distributed: 137
» Litter, Waste Reduction, and Recycling Programs
Waterway Cleanups: 15
Pounds of Litter Removed During Waterway Cleanups: 8,913
Land Based Cleanups: 2,426
Pounds of Litter Removed During Land Cleanups: 4,821,531
Cigarette Butts Removed: 74,843
School and Community Recycling Events: 4,421
Tons of Materials Recycled: 1,624
Pounds of Recycling and SUDs Collected: 2,390,811
Enforcement Events: 15
Household Hazardous Waste Events: 16
Tons of Hazardous Waste Diverted from the Landfill: 429
» Beautification
Trees Planted: 9,084
Gardens Planted or Maintained: 17,467
Gardening Workshops: 7
Graffiti Removal Events: 6
» Infrastructure/Resources
Trash Receptacles Installed: 899
KLB Grants Awarded: 217
KLB Grant Funds Dispersed: $1.27 million
KLB Awards Presented: 38
Litter Bags Distributed: 22,500
Litter Grabbers Distributed: 1,848
Safety Vests Distributed: 1,802
Pairs of Gloves Distributed: 28,690
Volunteer T-Shirts Distributed: 14,060