
2015 Affiliate Annual Report

It’s the end of the year and annual reports are rolling in! Keep Louisiana Beautiful has accomplished quite a lot in the last year with the help of over 28,247 volunteers. In 2015, Keep Louisiana Beautiful has provided its 39 state-wide affiliates the resources and tools to strive to make Louisiana a more beautiful, cleaner home for all to enjoy.

Highlights from the report included:

  • Over 237 community programs
  • 2,308,432 lbs. of recyclables collected
  • Over 115,464 volunteer hours valued at $2,663,754.48
  • 1,325 trees planted
  • Over 300 clean-ups
  • $962,863.47 raised

Susan Russell, Executive Director, is thrilled with the numbers reported and excited to see how they grow this year. If you are interested in speaking with Susan further regarding Keep Louisiana Beautiful’s 2015 Affiliate Annual Report please reach out to me directly.
