Thank you for working hard to clean up Louisiana!

The numbers are in! Love the Boot Week was bigger than ever thanks to the 19,441 people who dedicated 100,712 hours to cleaning up and beautifying Louisiana! A record 347 tons of litter were removed at 760 events in all 64 parishes. Diverted from the landfill and recycled were 7,044 aluminum cans (293 lbs.) and 6,847 plastic bottles (330 lbs.). In addition to litter removal, volunteers focused on community beautification, planting 921 trees and 4,408 plants, and refurbishing 366 gardens. THANK YOU, LOUISIANA!

Support a Cleaner Louisiana

Learn How to Prevent Litter

You can Love the Boot all year long by preventing litter. Let Louisiana Shine!

Volunteer Locally

 KLB has local Affiliates across the state! Volunteer year-round in your community.

Our Goals
Litter Removal Icon

Litter Removal

Litter hurts our communities. Let’s clean up our 64 parishes. Every effort makes a difference.

Beautification Icon


Let’s put the paradise back in our Sportsman’s Paradise. Plant trees for shade or a native plant garden for pollinators.

Education Icon


Teaching litter prevention is the #1 goal. We can prevent littering by adopting best practices like bagging our household trash.

Recycling Icon


Recycling of #1 plastic bottles and aluminum cans is made possible in 13 parishes for Love the Boot Week 2024.


We’ve got all the tools and resources to help make your cleanup successful, whether you need basic event planning tips, social media graphics, or supply vendor information. Select one of the options below or click Additional Resources for even more tools and resources.

Litter Cleanup Logistics

Litter Cleanup Tips

Waterway Cleanup Logistics


Promotional Tools & More

About Keep Louisiana Beautiful

 Keep Louisiana Beautiful, supported by the State of Louisiana and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, is focused on promoting best practices for litter prevention and reduction, beautification, recycling, waste reduction, and sustainability. The backbone of KLB is the organization’s network of 37 Community Affiliates and 10 University Affiliates – all committed to working toward a cleaner, greener Louisiana. KLB supports communities across the state with its programs, educational opportunities, and community improvement grants. 

2024 Partners & Sponsors


Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

Champion Sponsor

Media Sponsors

Food & Beverage Sponsor

Tourism Sponsors

Cajun Coast Visitors Bureau, Tangipahoa Parish Tourism, & Visit Webster Parish

Donate icon

Your financial contribution goes a long way in preserving our state's beauty.

Volunteer icon

There are countless projects that could use your time and effort.

Organize an Event icon

Spark change - coordinate a local beautification or cleanup.