
Keep Louisiana Beautiful Releases New Environmental Lessons for Grades K-5

BATON ROUGE, La. – Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) has developed 10 new lessons and complementary activities for grades K-5 on environmental stewardship – all in alignment with student standards. The lessons cover litter’s impact on wildlife, roadside litter, school litter mapping, what happens to trash and recycling, waste management, microplastics in our environment, nonpoint source pollution, plastics in marine life, recycling at home, and watersheds. Lesson books will be distributed to all K-5 schools before the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, and they are also free to order and download at


“Environmental literacy is very important in Louisiana,” said Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser. “With the state positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi River, we are extremely vulnerable to the toxic runoff, litter, and debris draining from over 30 U.S. states. KLB’s lessons will support Louisiana educators in preparing students to be environmental stewards and future community leaders.”


“It is our responsibility to prepare our children for the future they will inherit, and this includes providing education focused on environmental stewardship,” said Susan Russell, Executive Director of KLB. “When given the necessary tools, knowledge, and support, children feel empowered and equipped to take on new challenges and work to make the world a better place. We are grateful to Louisiana’s educators for teaching our children the importance of caring for our state and the planet.”


The lessons are designed to be used both in and outside a traditional classroom setting. In addition to being used in the classroom, KLB intends the lessons to be utilized by scout leaders, non-profit organizations, parents, youth leaders, and others who work with children. The fun, hands-on activities that follow each lesson are simple to implement and allow children to engage, explore, and dig deeper into the presented topics.


In June 2017, Louisiana Act 72 was signed into law, requiring students in grades K-5 to receive education about litter and its vast implications on our environment. KLB is committed to providing educators with the resources they need to instill in today’s youth the importance of environmental stewardship.


In addition to the lesson book, KLB’s new colorful 12-page Litter Free Louisiana activity book can be downloaded and ordered for free at



About Keep Louisiana Beautiful
Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) is the state’s leading anti‐litter and community improvement organization focused on achieving a cleaner, greener Louisiana through education, enforcement, public awareness, and community engagement. KLB is affiliated with the national organization, Keep America Beautiful, and is supported by a robust statewide network of Community Affiliates and University Affiliates. Learn more at