
Love the Boot on Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day! Thank you to everyone who is participating in Love the Boot Week litter cleanup and beautification events. Here are a few ways you can Let Louisiana Shine:
  1. Bag your trash, tie the bag tight, and cover your bin to prevent your trash from entering the environment and harming wildlife.
  2. Keep a bag in your vehicle for garbage and dispose of your trash properly when you get home.
  3. Get a travel ashtray to keep cigarette butts off our roadways.
  4. Check the bed of your truck to ensure it’s free of trash and debris that could fly out and become litter.
  5. When transporting large items, secure your load with tarps, nets, or tie-downs.
  6. Whether you are hiking or boating, keep a bag with you for trash. Take out what you brought in, and always leave it better than you found it.
  7. When you see litter in your neighborhood, pick it up with gloves or grabbers. You can also organize a litter cleanup or volunteer for one in your community.
  8. Use a reusable grocery bag to reduce the number of plastic bags that become litter.
  9. When you see someone tossing litter from their vehicle, report them by calling LDWF’s anti-litter hotline at 888.LITRBUG (888.548.7284).
  10. Spread the word! On social media, share photos and videos of yourself preventing and picking up litter with the hashtags, #LovetheBoot and #LetLouisianaShine.
Participate in a Love the Boot Week cleanup or beautification event this weekend. Find an event happening near you at⁣ For litter prevention tips, visit