Posted on Oct 17, 2023 | Blog,News
KLB State Conference Attracts Largest Attendance To Date
Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) hosted its annual State Conference October 10-11 at the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center, welcoming all to hear from experts on best practices for litter prevention, recycling, beautification, and sustainability efforts in Louisiana.
This year’s conference provided a platform to share, learn, and network with 260+ individuals from 6 different states, 74 cities, 79 businesses and nonprofits, 13 universities, and 42 government agencies.
On day one, we heard from:
- Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser on Louisiana’s progress in tackling litter.
- Dr. Cecile Carson on the 2023 Louisiana Litter Study.
- Susan Russell, KLB Executive Director, on the state of KLB.
- James Henderson, President & CEO of the University of Louisiana System, on the importance of leadership and sustainability in higher education.
- ULL Monroe, Nicholls State, UNO, and LSU on their campus beautification projects.
- Susan Russell and Andrew Woodruff, Operations Director at French Quarter Festivals, Inc., on the new Greener Grounds manual and workbook for outdoor events; followed by a panel of organizations leading the way with green outdoor events (Osprey Initiative, Greener Grounds, ULL).
On day two we heard from:
- Sharon Weston Broome, Mayor-President of the City of Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Parish, on efforts to clean up Baton Rouge.
- Louisiana Stormwater Coalition, Pearl Riverkeeper, LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens, and the City of New Orleans Adopt a Catch Basin program on keeping our waterways clean.
- Craig Witting, Senior Director for Grant Implementation and Community Engagement for The Recycling Partnership, on the 2023 State of Recycling in Louisiana Report; followed by a grantee panel featuring Matt James, Grant Development Manager for The Recycling Partnership, Denise Calhoun, HR Manager for The City of West Monroe, and Bethany Crochet, Environmental Director for the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
Learn about our speakers and view their presentations here. You can also watch our recap video:
The Conference concluded with the Everyday Hero Awards, honoring those going the extra mile to keep Louisiana clean and beautiful.
The 2023 Everyday Heroes include:
- Yuri Cobb (Rocksey’s Young Leadership Award)
- John Hattaway (Litter Enforcement Award)
- Clean Pelican (Community Improvement Award)
- LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens (Clean Biz Leadership Award)
- ExxonMobil Baton Rouge (Clean Biz Leadership Award)
- Winnsboro-Franklin Chamber of Commerce (Chamber Clean Biz Leadership Award)
- Keep Tangipahoa Beautiful (Outstanding Community Affiliate Award)
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Outstanding University Affiliate Award)
- Tulane Trash to Treasure (Collegiate Environmental Steward Award)
- Janet Vincent (Leaders Against Litter Award)
- Ryan Chavers (Let Louisiana Shine Volunteer Award)
- Sandra Slifer (Alice Foster Award)
Read about the 2023 Everyday Heroes here.
KLB also recognized Donna Curtis, Executive Director of Shreveport Green, for her service over the last 32 years. Under her leadership, Shreveport Green has strategically grown, implementing new educational programming and enhancement projects, to achieve a cleaner, greener community. Donna will be retiring at the end of the year.
In addition, KLB honored and remembered the late Carla Buchholz, a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and community member. Carla served on the Mandeville City Council and dedicated two decades to the Keep Mandeville Beautiful Board of Directors. She was a member of the KLB Board of Directors, acting as treasurer for nine years.
Finally, KLB will also present the organization’s first-ever Love the Boot Week Community Impact Award to Keep Tiger Town Beautiful, an all-volunteer litter cleanup organization dedicated to improving the appearance of Baton Rouge.
Thank you to everyone who attended! We will see you next year! Photos from the KLB State Conference and Everyday Hero Awards can be found here.
The KLB State Conference and the Everyday Hero Awards were made possible thanks to event sponsors: Alta and John Franks Foundation; E.J. Adams Forgotston in memory of C.B Forgotston, Jr.; Hayworth, Waymouth & Carroll, LLP; Innovative Advertising; Louisiana Beverage Association; Louisiana Seafood Promotion & Marketing Board; Mele Printing; Red Six Media; and Waste Management. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor is also a proud KLB partner.