Posted on Feb 01, 2024 | News,Press Releases
Keep Louisiana Beautiful Awards 71 Organizations in 40 Parishes 628 Trash Receptacles to Reduce Litter in Public Places
BATON ROUGE, La. – Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) and Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser are pleased to award 628 trash receptacles to 71 organizations in 40 parishes through the Trash Receptacle Grant program.
“Residents and visitors don’t want to live in or visit unsightly areas, so we must continue to prioritize making Louisiana a cleaner, greener place to live,” said Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser. “I’m grateful to our state legislature for the additional funding for litter abatement, which has allowed us to distribute these trash receptacles to local communities.”
“According to recent litter scans, KLB found a reduction of litter by 78% in areas where trash receptacles were properly installed and maintained,” said KLB Executive Director Susan Russell. “It’s important to make available trash receptacles in public spaces to give people a way to do the right thing with their trash.”
Trash Receptacle Grant program has been made available to Louisiana parishes, municipalities, state agencies, governmental entities, political subdivisions, public universities and colleges, and KLB Affiliates in good standing. Last year, 879 trash receptacles were awarded.
This is the second year the KLBRecipients of the trash receptacles will perform post-installation litter assessments to compare to their pre-install assessment data. This data will be made available to the public once complete. on Thursday, August 15, 2024.
The next trash receptacle grant application will open atClick here for a complete listing of 2024 Trash Receptacle Grant recipients by parish.
Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB), a 501(c)(3) non-profit supported by the state of Louisiana and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, is focused on promoting best practices for litter prevention and reduction, beautification, recycling, waste reduction, and sustainability. The backbone of KLB is the organization’s network of 37 Community Affiliates and 10 University Affiliates – all committed to working toward a cleaner, greener Louisiana. KLB supports communities across the state with its programs, educational opportunities, and community improvement grants. KLB is affiliated with Keep America Beautiful. Learn more at