Why is the university interested in becoming a Keep Louisiana Beautiful affiliate?
What does the university anticipate accomplishing by becoming a Keep Louisiana Beautiful affiliate?
A letter of support from the university president or another authorized official is required to apply. Does the university president or another authorizing official support the formation of the university affiliate?
What department currently leads sustainability, waste reduction, recycling and litter prevention initiatives for the university?
What campus groups and/or departments currently support sustainability, waste reduction, recycling, litter prevention, and environmental stewardship efforts?
Which campus groups and/or departments aren’t involved that you would like to involve in these efforts?
Who would be responsible for taking the lead on the application and certification process?
The affiliate will be housed in what university department?
The university affiliate must have a designated affiliate coordinator to serve as the point person for the affiliate. Who do you foresee assuming the role of the affiliate coordinator?
The university affiliate is led by either an existing committee or a newly formed committee. Which departments or campus groups do you foresee being represented on the affiliate steering committee?
Programs and Engagement
What waste reduction, recycling, sustainability, litter prevention and environmental stewardship programs, practices and/or policies does the university currently have in place?
Is the student body and faculty involved in these current activities? What can be done to increase engagement?
Do you anticipate any roadblocks that would prevent the university to support the affiliate’s efforts long‐term, including paying the $150 annual affiliate dues?
Do you anticipate any roadblocks that would prevent university from completing the certification requirements in 12 months?
Inquire to become an affiliate!
If you answered YES to the majority of the readiness assessment questions, then you are ready to proceed to step two or click the inquiry form button below.