Readiness Assessment Tool

Are You Ready?

These questions will help gauge if you are ready to make a formal inquiry into the affiliate process. Before proceeding, take a few minutes to read the affiliate information provided and have a good comprehension of the program. It is a good idea to conduct the readiness assessment with the group of individuals who will help form the affiliate if your application is accepted.

The assessment tool is for your benefit to help you determine if you are ready to proceed and will not be submitted to KLB.

Establishing the Affiliate

  • Have you reviewed the affiliate terms and guidelines and the annual requirements?
  • What do you hope to accomplish by becoming a KLB affiliate?
  • Have you identified a host entity for the affiliate? A host entity can be a non-profit, civic or community organization, city, or parish.
  • Do you have the support of the highest authorizing official of the proposed host entity?
  • Have you identified a group of individuals who are committed to providing leadership and guidance to form the affiliate?
  • How will the affiliate fund its projects to sustain its efforts?
  • Is there a consensus amongst stakeholders that establishing an affiliate will help address the problems?

Current Community Capacity

  • Does the geographic area the affiliate will focus its efforts have a population greater than 5,000?
  • Have you identified the problems needing to be addressed in regard to litter prevention/removal, recycling, waste reduction, environmental education, and beautification?
  • Can you identify the main obstacles keeping the community from resolving those problems?
  • Do your residents currently support community projects and activities through volunteerism?
  • Do you currently have, or do you anticipate having working partnerships with local government, schools, businesses, and community organizations?
  • Do you have support from city/parish administration, and local elected officials?
  • Do you anticipate having problems paying the one-time $200 affiliate formation fee and completing the formation requirements in 6 months?
  • Do you anticipate having problems forming and sustaining a committee/commission/board with a chair/coordinator serving as KLB point of contact to lead the efforts of the affiliate?
  • Are you confident that the affiliate can meet the annual requirements?
    • Annual $150 affiliate fee
    • Conduct at least one litter cleanup and one endorsed KLB program
    • Four hours training and participate in networking calls
    • Active committee/commission/board and chair/coordinator/POC
    • Track and submit affiliate outcomes and annual report

Inquire to become an affiliate!

If you answered YES to the majority of the readiness assessment questions, then you are ready to proceed to step two or click the inquiry form button below.
Take me to the Affiliate Inquiry Form