The Keep Louisiana Beautiful annual state conference and Everyday Hero Awards Banquet will take place on September 25-26 in Baton Rouge. All those interested in working towards a greener, cleaner, more beautiful Louisiana are invited to attend. Industry experts, civic officials, and anti-litter advocates from across the state will gather to present and share best practices that encourage environmental stewardship in practical ways that attendees can bring back to their own communities. Information on how to register, exhibit, donate, and submit an Everyday Hero nomination can be found on this page.
9:00 – 9:30
Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser
Keep Louisiana Beautiful Highlights
Susan Russell, Keep Louisiana Beautiful Executive Director
9:30 – 10:15
Food Matters: Empowering Communities to Tackle Food Waste
Jane Polson, Keep America Beautiful
10:30 – 12:00
Food Waste Panel highlighting food recovery and food compositing programs in Louisiana
Food Waste Panel by Gretchen Vanicor with University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Sarah Temple and Devon Brits with Louisiana State University and Greg Guidroz with Bayou Vermilion District. Presentations highlighting food recovery and food compositing programs in Louisiana.
12:00 – 1:00
Luncheon with Keynote Address by Dr. Shawn Wilson, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
Secretary Wilson will address how the state manages roadside and interstate litter
1:00 – 2:00
Leading the Way: Leaders highlight how they are improving the appearance of their city through good green policies and programs by Mayor Staci Albritton-Mitchell, City of West Monroe and Parish President, Robby Miller, of Tangipahoa Parish
2:00 – 2:45
Place Matters: Neighborhood Influences on Health and Violence
Katherine Theall, Professor and Director of the Tulane Mary Amelia Women’s Center
3:00 – 4:00
Prosecuting Illegal Tire Dumping by Mike Daniels with LDEQ Criminal Investigative Division and Cynthia Sylvain-Lear with the New Orleans Department of Sanitation
Everyday Hero Awards Banquet presented by Cox Communications
Heidelburg Ballroom, Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center
6:00 – 7:00
Cash bar
7:00 – 9:00
Dinner and presentation of awards
9:00 – 9:45
Plogging Panel: A New Twist to Traditional Clean-Ups
A new twist to traditional clean ups by Marlee Pittman with Mid City Redevelopment Alliance, Mat Laborde with Elifin Realty and Jenni Peters with Varsity Sports. Fun, competitive and engaging clean ups for millennials and more.
9:45 – 10:45
“Steal This” Program Panel: Practical Program Ideas That You Can Bring Home to Your Community
Say No to Straws – Jane Boudreaux and Alice Gilmore, Keep Assumption Beautiful
Bringing Litter Education to the Classroom – Ginger Tastet, Keep Tangipahoa Beautiful
Working Local Litter Enforcement – Holli Guilbeau and Lee Durio with St. Martin Parish Government
11:00 – 12:00
Ways to Build and Strengthen Organizational Capacity
Jane Polson, Keep America Beautiful
State Conference Conclusion
Louisiana Recycling Coalition Hosts Recycling Educational Sessions (Optional)
Lunch provided for preregistered attendees by the Louisiana Recycling Coalition
12:30 – 1:15
Recycling Session I
Louisiana Recycling Coalition Overview and Update, Alma Robichaux, LRC President and BTNEP Outreach Coordinator
How Recycling Contributes to Economic Development , Will Sagar -Southeast Recycling Development Council
1:15 – 2:30
Recycling Session II
A Louisiana Company that is Transforming Landfill-Bound Plastics into Composite Products, Brian Gaughan, IntergriCo Composites
Challenges & Solutions to Local Recycling Programs, Lisa Mahoney, City of Baton Rouge & Rachel Skowyra, Waste Connections
Q&A-Wrap Up, Alma Robichaux, LRC President and BTNEP Outreach Coordinator