
378 Reports Submitted Through New Littering Hotline, 855-LA-LITTER

In July,  Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), and Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) announced the launch of the new litter hotline number, 855-LA-Litter. Louisiana citizens are stepping up to report roadway littering, with 378 reports submitted since the hotline’s launch.


Why is the litter hotline important?

There are 143.8 million pieces of Litter on Louisiana’s roadways, and litter costs taxpayers $91.4 million per year. Littering is against the law, and we must hold those who litter accountable. The litter hotline provides caring citizens with a way to help.


How can someone report roadside littering? What information is needed?

If you see someone littering from their vehicle, you can report the person by calling 855-LA-Litter. When you make a report, you should provide the litterbug’s vehicle and license plate information, the location of the littering, the date, time, and the type of litter. Remember to dial responsibly. Call while parked, not while driving. You can also now report littering online using the Litter Reporting Form on KLB’s website.


What constitutes littering?

It is littering when a driver or anyone in their vehicle throws litter from the car. Drivers are liable for all litter that leaves their vehicle and can be cited. It’s also littering when an item blows out of a truck bed or falls off a load. There are different types of littering:

  • Simple littering: Simple littering is unintentional littering, such as trash flying out the back of a pickup truck.
  • Intentional littering: Deliberately throwing your trash on the ground.
  • Gross littering: Dumping large amounts of trash or creating an illegal dumpsite.


What are the legal repercussions for littering?

Whether simple or intentional, littering is against the law. Depending on the nature and severity of the offense, litterers could face civil or criminal prosecution. According to Louisiana R.S. 30:2531, penalties for simple littering range from a first offense of a $150 fine or eight hours of community service to a $900 fine or 20 hours of community service for a second offense.


How can someone prevent roadside littering?

  • Keep a bag for trash in your vehicle.
  • Keep your truckbed clean.
  • Secure and cover your load.
  • Use a portable ashtray for cigarette butts.


Want to learn more? Watch this educational video: