Press Releases

Environmental Law Enforcement Training Workshop to be held Oct. 14

BATON ROUGE – An Environmental Law Enforcement Training Workshop will be held Wednesday, Oct. 14, from 8:30 to noon at the Central Louisiana Business Incubator, 1501 Wimbledon Boulevard, Alexandria, LA 71301.

The workshop will be a unique opportunity to hear from federal, state and local law enforcement regarding environmental crimes and environmental laws. Speakers will provide important information regarding the laws and actions regarding illegal dumping and burning, water pollution, littering and air pollution.

The event is free and open to the public, but law enforcement officials, justices of the peace, constables, state and city prosecutors, elected and appointed officials, environmental managers, code enforcement officers, public works directors and sanitarians are encouraged to attend.

The workshop is being hosted by Keep Louisiana Beautiful, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Criminal Investigation Division, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries’ Enforcement Division and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality’s Criminal Investigation Division.

To register, please RSVP by sending an email to Susan Russell at: [email protected].