Posted on Jun 16, 2022 | Blog,News
Nominate an Everyday Hero by August 31
Each year, Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) recognizes those that go the extra mile to keep our communities litter-free and beautiful. Winners are given the distinction of Everyday Heroes and recognized statewide at an awards banquet held in conjunction with the KLB State Conference in Baton Rouge October 11-12, 2022.
Those eligible for nomination include non-profit and Affiliate organizations, businesses, professional groups, governmental agencies, civic and community organizations, schools, churches, and individual citizens.
Anyone may submit a nomination and multiple nominations may be submitted by the same individual. Please submit a nomination form for each person you wish to nominate. Winners are selected by KLB.
Click here to see the 2021 Everyday Heroes and submit your nomination. Nominations are due by August 31, 2022.
Everyday Heroes Award Categories:
Alice Foster Award: Louisiana’s former First Lady, Alice Foster, a staunch advocate for a clean and beautiful Louisiana, played a crucial role in launching Keep Louisiana Beautiful. The Alice Foster Award is the highest award KLB bestows each year to one individual for their exceptional leadership in moving our mission forward. Describe how the nominee became involved in community or environmental projects, and how this work has impacted his or her local community. Include the nominee’s background, number of years involved in the effort, and other accomplishments.
Golden Can Award: This $200 cash award recognizes a public servant who displays a deep commitment to KLB’s mission in their daily work by going above and beyond the call of duty. Eligible parties include state, parish and municipal employees, elected officials, and educators.
Most Innovative Program Award: This $500 cash award recognizes a successful beautification, litter prevention, recycling or waste reduction program led by a school, civic group, non-profit, or KLB Affiliate. Describe the program and explain how it benefits the community. Include partnerships that make this program possible, as well as how volunteers contributed to the success.
Youth Leadership Award: This $200 cash award recognizes a student or youth group that embraces environmental stewardship, engages and influences their peers, and contributes to positive behaviors consistent with a clean and beautiful community.
Outstanding Affiliate Award: This $500 cash award recognizes an Affiliate organization that displays fortitude and leadership while engaging stakeholders, businesses and citizens in actively improving the appearance of their community. Give specific examples of the affiliate’s work in their local community.
Outstanding Affiliate Director Award: This $200 cash award recognizes an Affiliate director in Louisiana who demonstrates exceptional dedication to KLB’s mission. This individual displays leadership in building a strong and sustainable organization. Give specific examples of successes, program development, challenges met, and community engagement.
Corporate Leadership Award: This award recognizes a business that demonstrates a consistent dedication to KLB’s mission, environmental stewardship, and community engagement. Give specific examples of programming, employee volunteer programs, investment actions, such as sponsorships and grants, or other relevant actions. Describe the impact these efforts have on improving the local community.
Litter Enforcement Award: This $200 cash award recognizes law enforcement officers including justices of the peace, constables, judges, and code enforcement officers who are successful at enforcing state, parish or city litter and illegal dumping laws.