House Bill 111

Bringing Litter Education to Louisiana Schools

What is House Bill 111?

House Bill 111, sponsored by Representative Stuart Bishop (R, Lafayette), “requires instruction in litter prevention and awareness for public school students in kindergarten through grade five.”
Read the engrosssed digest of HB111 
Litter education white paper

How does this bill enhance the existing academic curriculum?

HB 111 states that instruction shall be integrated into the existing curriculum. Read some wonderful examples of what integrating litter concepts into the curriculum could look like.

Why does Keep Louisiana Beautiful support this bill?

Keep Louisiana Beautiful believes that the litter problem in Louisiana is best addressed through three core initiatives:

1)      Improving statewide infrastructure to make it easier to put trash and recycling in the right place
2)      Strengthening environmental law enforcement
3)      Influencing positive behavior through environmental education

Keep Louisiana Beautiful is committed to raising a new generation of environmental stewards to move our focus from litter abatement to litter prevention. Litter education goes beyond simply not throwing trash on the ground– it includes full understanding of the impact of toxic litter on the health of our wildlife, waterways, and economy. Litter prevention is more effective and economical than treatment.

What is the current status of the bill?

On June 7th, Keep Louisiana Beautiful was proud to witness Governor John Bel Edwards sign this bill into law as Louisiana Act 72.

How Can I Get More Information?

We would love to talk with you about this issue! Please contact Keep Louisiana Beautiful executive director Susan Russell at (985) 502-9024 or by email at [email protected]