Special thanks to our 2017 state conference donors and sponsors who have invested in our work and stand beside us in our commitment to a litter-free Louisiana.
Title Sponsor
Platinum Level Sponsor
Louisiana River Pilots Association
Silver Level Sponsors
Andrew R. Johnson, IV
Hawthorn, Waymouth & Carroll, LLP
Jackie Maginnis
Olinde’s Hardware and Supply Company
Bronze Level Sponsors
The Alta and John Franks Foundation
Carla Buchholz
Commissioner and Mrs. Mike Strain
Kean Miller, LLP
Louisiana Oil Marketers and Convenience Store Association, Inc.
Plauche, Smith & Nieset, LLC
Friends of KLB
Ashley Mullens, PhD
Backyard Printing
Champion Wealth Strategies
Clay Schexnayder, Louisiana State Representative
Courtney Hornsby
Dale Erdey, Louisiana State Senator
Deborah Juneau
Eligha Guillory
Everett Bonner Advertising
Gene Reynolds, Louisiana State Representative
Jean Kelly
Jennifer Jones, Cameron Parish District Attorney
Jessica DeVille
John A Berthelot, Louisiana State Representative
Jon Gegenheimer
The Law Office of Randy Russell
LCTA Workers’ Comp
Patsy Hebert
Samantha Bonnette
Sharon Hewitt, Louisiana State Senator
Speedway Printing, Inc.
In-Kind Gifts Courtesy Of:
Aquiana Springs
Capitol City Produce
Community Coffee
Kentwood Springs
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality